As a key part of every strong foundation, a weeping tile system is composed of plastic, porous pipes that drain water away from your home. Without them, your foundation would be sitting in water, and extensive, costly damage could be a result.

Also known as drainage tile systems, weeping tile systems are placed in a trench around the outside of the home’s perimeter or inside underneath the basement floor.

Types of Weeping Tile Systems

There are two types of weeping tile systems – exterior and interior. Exterior weeping tiles control water at ground level before it reaches your basement. This system consists of a properly sloped trench, gravel and pipe to channel the water away from the house.

When an exterior weeping tile system has failed, interior weeping tile is typically installed. The process to do so is similar to the installation of a sump pump; a deep trench is cut around the basement’s perimeter before a pipe is laid, filled with coarse gravel and covered with concrete.

To guarantee that your weeping tile system is professionally installed, hire our team of experienced foundation experts.  

Other Uses for Weeping Tile

Besides basements, weeping tile is commonly used in other settings where water collects, such as in farmer’s fields that get clogged with water.

Waterlogged soil found in backyards and around sidewalks and front walkways can be resolved with a properly installed weeping tile system. They can also be used as a drainage system in window wells to reroute water away from your foundation.

Weeping Tile Maintenance

The only way to keep your weeping tile system properly functioning is by completing regular maintenance.

When debris blocks your weeping tile, a foul odour and water backup problems can occur. To clean it:

  1. Wedge a plunger into the sewer floor drain before connecting a hose to a sink.

  2. Fill the catch basin with water and soap, being careful to avoid water from overflowing.

  3. Let the soapy mixture sit for 30 minutes to neutralize the odour before pulling out the plunger and allowing the water to drain.

  4. Repeat several times and then thoroughly rinse with clean water.

Damaged Clay Weeping Tile Repair

St. Catharines and Niagara, Ontario, have many older homes that use clay or even concrete as weeping tile. These clay weeping tile tubes were laid end to end outside the concrete foundation, which is just below the foundation wall. Unfortunately, erosion and seasonal freezing and thawing causes damage to the clay weeping tiles to the point where they no longer function.

The best solution is to remove and replace the entire weeping tile system and replace it with modern plastic weeping tile tubes. This will require digging down to the concrete footings. However, we can also patch any cracks and waterproof your foundation walls at the same time.

Excavating the soil from your foundation walls and replacing your clay tiles will be a costly repair. If you want a permanent basement waterproofing solution, the high cost may be worth it if you plan on using your basement as a living space or for storage. Many older homes who no longer have functional weeping tiles get by with proper grading and maintaining their eavestroughs, however, they all run the risk of flooding given the right storm or climate conditions.

Lifetime Warranty on Weeping Tile Systems in Beamsville, Niagara and Surrounding Areas

If you’ve got a leaky basement, our team will complete an expert diagnosis to see if your weeping tile is the cause. We’ll help you find the most accurate, cost-effective solution for your foundation problem.

Contact us today to learn more about our foundation services and ask about our lifetime warranty!  


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