What Is Water Seepage and How Can It Be Prevented?

Soon enough, spring will be here.

With spring comes warmer temperatures, melting snow and the risk of basement water damage. Are you wondering what water seepage is and how to prevent it at your home in the St. Catharines or Niagara region? Check out the information below.

What is Water Seepage?

Water seepage occurs when groundwater levels rise and pressure is created against your home’s foundation from the additional water in the soil. This hydrostatic pressure can cause water to seep through small holes or porous material in your basement’s floor and walls.

As one of the most common causes of wet basements, water seepage can lead to a range of problems, including mould and mildew growth, a weakened foundation and damaged electrical work. The excess moisture can also cause damage to personal belongings and an infestation of insects and rodents.

Signs of Water Seepage

Water pooling found on your basement floor is typically a clear indication of water seepage. Other signs include increased humidity, an unpleasant, musty smell and wall damage, including cracking, bubbling, peeling and warping. Appliances in the basement may also start forming rust.

How to Avoid Water Seepage

Effective waterproofing techniques are the best way to avoid ever having to deal with water seepage issues. Although the best way to ensure your basement stays safe and dry is to have your foundation regularly inspected by a professional, other prevention tips include:

  • Gutters and Downspouts: Keeping your gutters and downspouts clean and well maintained
    ensures water is directed away from your home instead of toward your foundation.

  • Downspout Extensions: Install downspout extensions where downspouts do not extend far enough away from your home.

  • Dehumidifier: To help regulate your basement at the proper humidity levels, install a dehumidifier.

  • Sump Pump Maintenance: Regularly inspecting your sump pump, which reduces hydrostatic pressure, can decrease the risk of a basement flood. Install a back-up system for extra assurance.

  • Insulated Plumbing: To prevent condensation, which can lead to mould growth, consider insulating your home’s plumbing.

  • Proper Grading: Your home should direct water away rather than toward your foundation. Laying heavy plastic underneath mulch or rock in landscaping can help properly divert water flow.

  • Shovel Snow: Removing the snow a few feet away from your home will reduce the risk of water seepage.

  • Window Maintenance: Since basement window wells can easily collect water during storms, window well covers should be installed. Any repairs to window well liners should be completed immediately, and windows should be checked for cracking on a regular basis.

What to Do if You Have a Water Seepage Problem

If you suspect water seepage in your basement, there’s no time to waste. You need to call a foundation professional immediately before the damage gets any worse.

For foundation repair in the St. Catharines or Niagara regions, call our office for effective solutions that will prevent future water seepage problems.