Keep Insects out of your Home by Fixing Foundation Cracks

Finding water in your basement as a homeowner is heartbreaking. Generally speaking, having as dry a basement as possible is very important to keep your home in great condition. Sometimes, even if you don't have water coming into your basement, cracks in your basement can allow in something other than water: bugs, rodents and other small animals. By having any cracks in your foundation repaired, you can ensure your house maintenance is minimal, and you don't have to deal with bugs and rodents in your basement. 

Here's how you can make sure small cracks are taken care of before they become a big problem. 

Basement Cracks

If you notice cracks in your basement foundation, it's possible mice and insects like centipedes and silverfish are coming through there. Over time, these cracks might get even larger as your foundation shifts, or erosion from the elements occurs.  

Repairing Foundation Cracks

There is a possibility a foundation repair professional will find some causes from the outside of your home that are causing the cracks, or even making them worse. For example, you may have water pooling around the foundation of your house, and it's wearing away at the foundation. This can make small cracks worse, letting critters through. Correcting problems such as this can help keep insects and small rodents out of your basement. 

Install a Waterproofing System

Some basements are more prone to being wet or damp, and there are ways you can waterproof your basement to prevent more water from coming into the house. You can select to install either an interior or exterior waterproofing system, and which one you select will be determined based on the needs of your house, or your personal preference. 

The waterproofing system used may include items like weeping tiles, interior drainage systems, and sump pumps. This will help to remove any water that may come into your basement. 

Having your basement professionally waterproofed may be one of the best investments you make in your home. It can save you from major expenses and repairs (from water damage) down the road, and it can also save you from more minor inconveniences like spiders, bugs, and other critters making their home in your basement.

Living in the Niagara Region where the environment is often quite damp, means that it's important to protect your home as much as possible from any moisture that might get in. Protecting it from critters is a bonus! 

If you have noticed cracks around your foundation in need of repair, or if you think that your basement would benefit from a full waterproofing, give us a call today. A member of our team would be happy to come to your home and provide you with an assessment and on-site inspection